Sunday, May 24, 2009

An Update!!!

Here is an update on the surgery and the weight loss. The recovery from my infections has gotten a ton better. Last week, my doctor released me to start exercising again. I can sleep on my sides and on my stomach, best news in the world, I can sleep normal again. I can also get into a regular bra now, of course no underwire of any kind still, getting out of this sports bra thing will be great!! Only limitation that I have now is that I still cannot lift over 10 LBS, hopefully that will be lifted next month when I see my surgeon again.

As of today, I have lost 25 lbs.

Below are some before and after of the BR surgery and weight loss.

February before BR and about 15 LBS lighter.
March after the BR and 20 LBS lighter
April 2009
April 2009, with the glasses
May 2009 after BR and 25 LBS lighter


Mary DeMann said...

You look great! I can't believe how fast you have lost the weight- that is dedication.

Joanna McGuire said...

Nisha you look so great!! You are a tough girl and have gone through this like a champ.