Thursday, November 20, 2008

Do YOU know?

There are so many people that just don’t understand things. Some may not understand an interest rate or who regulates the interest rates, or trigonometry, or how to read a map, or how to operate a crane, or how a body of water can supply electricity to several metropolitan cities throughout the United States.

What I don’t understand, is why people judge you and why they hold a grudge against you for no apparent reason. Why after a year, several years or even a decade later they still carry the same thoughts and will never open their minds or their eyes to notice the many many positive changes or the growth one goes through throughout their lives. I also don't understand how these types of issue can make one feel so sick inside to the point to where they become nauses and have upper stomach pain.

I am a smart person and catch onto things pretty quickly, however, I don’t think I will ever understand how people can be so blind towards certain things or people.


Mary DeMann said...

I think that is poetic! I agree with you 100%.

Katie said...

You know I agree, I know you know that! Hang in there...the thing is that you are the better person, taking the high road and not stooping to their level!